Often, we see various ingenious arrangements of succulents either in terrariums, in driftwoods, on rocks, or in any containers there are.
In garden shows, the more quirky the container, the more WOW factor it garners. Some even go soilless in the name of beauty and stun!
We know a lot of you have specific questions in mind. Can succulents grow without soil? Is soil necessary for succulents to thrive? How long can they survive without soil?…and the list just goes on and on.
In this article, we will go through the common questions you have about growing succulents without soil. Along with that, we will also show you how to make your soilless succulent arrangement last longer.
What are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in!
Getting To Know Succulents
You might have heard how succulents are the ideal houseplants, especially if you lack what they call a green thumb. However, you might also have heard how succulents are not as easy-going as people claim them to be. In fact, they are said to be fussy and finicky and are not really low maintenance. No matter the truth it, one thing is for sure. They look absolutely great on whatever shapes or sizes or colors they are!
Succulents are plants that are fleshy and waxy due to their capacity to store water for their dire environments. They usually are native to arid environments, hence their awesome capability to store moisture for future use.
By botanical definition, many plants are considered succulents even though we do not think of them as such.
As an example, your snake plants and ponytail palms are succulents due to their fleshy stems. However, they are not commonly think of as succulents unlike your Cacti, Stonecrops, Spurges, and Sedums.
It may be a little confusing, but do not fret!
In this article, when we talk about succulents, we talk about those cute plants on our side tables or sunny sills, or those cute little terrariums. The one that you really know of.
Can You Grow Succulents Without Soil?
As quirky as it may sound, you can actually grow your plants without soil. Although not all plants can tolerate soilless environments, but if there are any plants that could, that would surely be your succulents.
Succulents can be grown without soil. Their adaptive characteristics to harsh environments make them good candidates for soilless arrangements. They have the ability to store water and are well-adapted to dry, arid environmental conditions.
However, they can only grow for a time in these kinds of arrangements. Eventually, you will need to repot or transplant them in soil when they outgrow the container, or they grow big enough that they need something permanent to attach to.
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Things to Consider When Creating Soilless Terrariums
Of course, there are important considerations to take when you decide to create soilless terrariums filled with succulents.
Like all plants, succulents need sufficient light and proper watering. Without adequate light and an incorrect watering routine, your succulents are surely doomed to die.
When you make an indoor project like this one, there are two essential things you must think of: Light and Water.
Succulents, also need water to thrive, although not as much water as your other houseplants would need, due to their water-storing capabilities.
However, the rule of soaking plants and giving water until it drains out the holes do not apply in succulents inside terrariums.
When you water your soilless succulent arrangement, the best way to do it is by misting them using spray bottles or light watering using syringes or droppers.

Using these tools help you avoid overwatering, and eventual root rotting.
It is also important to note that you do not need to water your plants often. Look for signs when your plant needs water.
A good sign would be when they look slightly shriveled and wilted. If you’re still unsure, touch the plant. If it feels unplump and flat, it is your sign to water it.
Be careful to not misconstrue these signs with an overwatered plant. They can exhibit similar symptoms, shriveling and wilting, so a thorough inspection must always be done. This is a common mistake of plant enthusiasts.
Still, the best way to avoid this problem is to pay close attention to your own watering habits.
Light also plays a great factor in making a soilless terrarium. As we all know, plants need light to make their own food. Without light, they could not grow healthily and poor developmental growth will surely occur.

Before you create your plant project, think about where you plan to place it. You cannot just put it on a beautiful console table or on a window sill without considering if there is adequate light for your luscious succulents.
The key to having healthy plants is to pay attention to their needs. Your plants may not know how to talk but they can surely communicate when they are in need of something, or if they are not happy with their current situation. If your plants are sunburned, move it to a more shaded location.
Light and water goes hand in hand when it comes to plants, may it be succulent or not. The quality and quantity of light received by the plant affect its watering routine. The frequency of watering is dependent on how well-lit your plants are.
For example, succulents that are not receiving enough sunlight tends to have a more moist soil longer than those in bright, sunny locations.
Hence, they do not need to be watered as frequently. Always observe your plant and its surroundings to determine the best care they need.
How Do You Prolong Life of Succulents Without Soil?
You may have seen many soilless succulent arrangements on the internet that catches your attention.
It could be that you wanted to make your own driftwood arrangement or that wreath arrangement that you can hang on your front patio. Or you may plan on making your own succulent living wall to beautify your bare walls.
No matter what piques your interest, we will help you make your own soilless succulent arrangements last longer so that you can have more time to spend with them.
Here are some tips!
Add Fertilizer or Nutrients
Even in soil, adding nutrients or fertilizers to your plants go a long way. The added nutrients are essential for plants to sustain its healthy stature.
Imagine what adding fertilizers or organic nutrients could do to your soilless succulent arrangement.

To prolong the life of your succulents, consider adding fertilizers to give them their needed nutrients that they can easily get if they are growing in soil or in a potting mix.
Do this by adding a diluted fertilizer to the water you give to your plants. Dilute it to about a quarter to a half strength to avoid chemical burns.
You can also add this fertilizer mixture to your misting spray. So that whenever you mist your plants, you do not only give them the moisture they need, but also the essential nutrients they all needed to grow healthy.
Add Something They Can Attach To
Succulents, like any other plants, need something that they can attach to. Normally, this is soil or any growing medium preferred.
However, in soilless arrangements, you need to give an alternative to your plant where they can attach and grow into.
There are many materials that you can choose depending on your preference, that will surely help make your succulents last longer.
It is recommended that the materials be moisture-absorbent so that it can hold moisture for a long time.

Suggested materials to be used in your soilless arrangement include sphagnum moss or coco or coir fiber attached to a piece of driftwood.
To make this, just attach the coir or moss to the driftwood, where you will also attach your succulents. When your plants begin to root, the moss and coir will help in securing the plants in place.
Because moss and coir hold more moisture, there will be no need for frequent misting or watering. Using these materials will surely make your plants last a little longer before they need to be repotted or transplanted to the soil.
Why Do Succulents Need Soil?
Succulents are not like your typical houseplants. They do not necessarily need an extremely rich growing medium in order to survive.
Meaning, a nutrient-rich soil is not really a requirement. They can still survive in harsh environments. However, they still need a few amounts of inorganic and organic material to thrive best.
Although you may have seen them thriving in soilless medium, your succulents will eventually need something permanent and a more suitable medium to cling on, especially when they start to root.
Succulents do not stay small as you usually see. They will eventually need a bigger pot and a more stable arrangement, with a proper succulent potting mix to remain thriving.
While the soilless succulent arrangement may look fun and beautiful to create, these projects are really not permanent and are just for short-terms.
Eventually, you need to pot them with soil, if you want to continue seeing them grow for a very long time.
Final Thoughts
Growing succulents without soil is possible, although they only last for a certain amount of time.
Making a soilless arrangement requires careful planning and keen consideration, not just for the plants, but also for the necessary requirements they need such as light and water.
Surely, there is fun and charm in creating a beautiful arrangement of succulents and letting your creativity flow and guide you.
May it be with or without soil, the most important thing is that you give these plants the love and care they need.
If you learn something new about growing and caring for succulents in this article, don’t forget to let us know.
We would love to hear it from you in the comment section below. Together, let’s be creative and innovative with how we grow our plants!